Meaning of In Advance

In order to fully understand the meaning of the term advance, you must first discover its etymological origin. In this case, we can establish that it derives from Latin, from the word “antelatio”, which can be translated as “act of putting before”. It is a word that was formed by three clearly delimited parts:
-The prefix “ante-“, which means “before”.
-The component “lat-“, which comes from the verb “carry”.
-The suffix “-tio”, which is used to indicate “action and effect”.

The concept of advance refers to the advance or advance with which, in a temporal order, one event occurs with respect to another.

For example: “I recommend that you buy the tickets in advance because they will surely sell out in a short time”, “We have to organize the holidays in advance so we do not leave anything to chance”, “In advance of the bankruptcy, the employees had already noticed that their work sources were in danger ”.

Acting in advance implies getting ahead of something. Suppose a couple plans to travel, in the summer, to a fashionable Caribbean beach that is visited by thousands of people each year. To get accommodation, you must make a reservation in advance: that is, before the summer season arrives. Otherwise, you could reach your destination and find that all hotels are full.

The advance, in this way, supposes forecasting and planning. If a middle-class person wants to buy a new car, they will probably have to save in advance of the purchase because they hardly have the money on the spot. On the other hand, if you save money for a year, then you can complete the operation.

Another clear example of advance can be the planning carried out by a person who knows that a new call for competitions in which they wish to participate will be launched soon. In this way, what you should do is carry out a daily study planning, also establish leisure time, review all the material you have in order to know what you have to buy, determine a subject study calendar to be able to get to the exam with the as many analyzed as possible…

In the same way, dancers must also have enough time in advance before presenting a number. And it is that during it they will learn and rehearse the choreography, they will make changes, they will correct rhythm or rhythm defects …

Likewise, a person who works as a freelance copywriter, for example, needs to know enough time in advance what kind of work the client wants, what are the most relevant aspects that the client should have, when they need it to be ready …

We can find many examples of anticipation in everyday life. A man who wants to have dinner at 9 pm will have to prepare or order the food in advance; a young man who has to enter the university at 10, must leave his house in advance; An elderly person who must undergo a medical study will need to request an appointment in advance; etc.

In Advance