What is Cosmopolitan?

The word cosmopolitan comes from a Greek term that in Spanish is interpreted as “citizen of the world”. It is an adjective that allows us to describe everything that is common to the countries. Said of an individual, a cosmopolitan being is one who conceives all corners of the planet as his homeland. Regarding an animal or a plant species, an organism is said to be cosmopolitan when it acclimatizes to any territory or manages to withstand all kinds of climatic conditions.

It should be made clear that those who used the term cosmopolitan for the first time were the Stoic philosophers and that is that they openly declared themselves citizens of the world. Those were the members of a philosophical movement, created by Zeno of Citium in 301 BC, who left humanity as a legacy his theory of knowledge or Stoic morality.

According to abbreviationfinder.org, “citizen of the world” is a phrase that applies to those who seek to overcome the limits of the geopolitical division and the national citizenships that correspond to the various sovereign States. Cosmopolitans reject the patriotic identity imposed by national governments and recognize themselves as independent citizens of the Earth.

Beyond the ideological or philosophical issue, the cosmopolitan of integrity supports a political plan designed to develop a new model of citizenship that has a global reach and is of voluntary adherence.

The cosmopolitans believe that the person must acquire voluntary commitments and the right to active participation in the place they select to reside, within a local and federative administration with other localities. In this way, the man will be a local citizen of the area of ​​which he is a neighbor as long as he lives there and maintains the will to be a citizen.

Among the causes defended by cosmopolitans are freedom from any type of national, ethnic, sexual or religious prejudice, gender equality, auxiliary languages, the universal system of weights and measures, the universal currency, democratic globalization and the education and health care for all.

In the same way, it should also be emphasized that today the term cosmopolitan is widely used to refer to various cities in the world. Specifically, when this word is used to refer to a specific city, what is meant is that many people from different parts of the world live in it, that many cultures coexist and that it is open to all kinds of cultural influences from wherever they come from. come on

Thus, for example, in Spain it is common to use the aforementioned adjective to describe places like Barcelona or Madrid. An example of this could be the following: “Madrid is a cosmopolitan city that opens its arms to welcome people from all over the world willing to enrich themselves with the cultural mishmash that exists thanks to the harmonious coexistence of American, European or European citizens. Asians”.

It is interesting to note that in the mid-nineteenth century there was a periodical called El Cosmopolita. A political and journalistic magazine that was created and directed by the writer Juan Montalvo, an Ecuadorian who tried to use this medium to publicize situations and events that took place all over the planet.
