What is Dentition?

The etymological origin of dentition is found in the Latin word dentitio. The term allows to name the process of endentecer (when the teeth begin to emerge). Teething is also called the period in which the teeth appear in the mouth.

For example: “My baby is a little upset because he started teething”, “Some professionals say that pacifiers can affect normal teething in children”, ” Calcium is important in teething”.

Teething is given by the development of the teeth and their location in the mouth. Each species has a certain number of teeth, which are usually of different types (molars, canines, etc.). Some animals, however, have only one kind of teeth.

Humans and most other mammals develop two dentitions throughout their lives: the deciduous dentition (also called the primary dentition, deciduous dentition, or milk dentition) and the permanent dentition (secondary or second dentition). dentition).

The temporary or milk teeth appear in the embryonic stage, but they only become visible in childhood. Once these teeth fall out, permanent teeth begin to emerge. Thus, the deciduous dentition is followed by the second dentition. If a permanent tooth, for some reason, falls out of the mouth, another does not appear in its place.

In general, the primary dentition causes discomfort to the baby and even some pain. Although teething usually begins at six months of age, the range of possibilities covers the period between three months and one year. The order in which each type of deciduous tooth erupts is the same for all children, and the groups are as follows: central incisors, lateral incisors, canines, first molars, and second molars.

The technical terms for eruption and loss of teeth are eruption and loss, respectively. The time of loss is also variable although, as with the eruption, there are typical age ranges in which it occurs. In almost all children, the eruption of the teeth presents a lateral symmetry, that is to say that each type appears on the left and on the right at the same time.

Regarding the upper teeth, the first to erupt is the central incisor, starting at eight months, and the last is the second molar, starting at twenty-five months; their loss takes place at six and ten years, respectively. In the case of the lower teeth, the first is the central incisor, at approximately six months, and the last is the second molar, at twenty-three months, with their respective drops at ten and thirty-one months.

To minimize teething disorders in the baby, there are various practices, some of which are listed below:

* clean your face frequently, wiping your mouth with a soft cloth to remove drool before it starts to irritate your skin;

* rub your gums with a finger for a while, until you notice that it has calmed down;

* give him a toy that he can bite. Let’s not forget that the object must be large enough so that the child cannot swallow it or choke on it. If we buy specific rubber rings for this, it is recommended to avoid those that are filled with liquid, since they can be punctured and filter it into the mouth;

* Babies older than six months can be given ibuprofen and paracetamol, although it is always advisable to consult the pediatrician first so as not to exceed the dose.
